I'm excited for the 2023 season. With a new Fanatic Viper 80 board, a 7m Duotone Slick wing and another Duotone Idol sail, I've got some new gear. Thanks Northline Sports for hooking me up.
I'm also getting more leads from this website with visitors wanting to connect this summer for lessons. I am also going to be offering sessions a few weekends in the Collingwood area in 2023 now that I'm getting used to the conditions on the south shore of Georgian Bay.
Presently I'm the only Ontario based windsurfing instructor listed on the Sailing Canada website! I'm sure more will register there shortly.
The most exciting news is that Len and I will be teaching a short Learn To Windsurf course at Camp Coucheching this summer. We have a group of students that will be learning as part of their leadership training there. Very exciting!